[C#]ArcGIS 출력물 만들기
2023. 3. 24. 19:12
지도를 보는 프로그램을 사용하다 보면 사용자 입장에서 제링 많이 사용 하는 기능 중에 하나가 출력이 아닐까 하는 생각이 듭니다.
저의 생각으로는 GIS 프로그램 중에 젤 많이 쓰는 비싼 프로그램 중에 하나인 ArcGIS 라는 프로그램도 이런 출력 기능을 지원하는 데요
프로그램을 만드는 사람의 입장에서는 어떻게 이런 출력물을 만덜어 낼 수 있을 지에 대해서 알아보려고 합니다.
우선 현재 내가 보고 있는 지도를 출력물로 만들어 낸다는 것은
- 지금 보고 있는 지도의 모든 레이어들을 가진 뷰 - IActiveView
- 이 레이어 뷰들을 출력할 출력 클래스 - IPrintAndExport
일 것입니다.
다음 스택 오버플로우 문서를 따라가면 해당 내용들이 나오는 데요
///<summary>Creates a .jpg (JPEG) file from the ActiveView using a high resolution exporting option. Default values of 96 DPI are overwritten to 300 used for the image creation.</summary>
///<param name="activeView">An IActiveView interface</param>
///<param name="pathFileName">A System.String that the path and filename of the JPEG you want to create. Example: "C:\temp\hiResolutionTest.jpg"</param>
///<returns>A System.Boolean indicating the success</returns>
public System.Boolean CreateJPEGHiResolutionFromActiveView(ESRI.ArcGIS.Carto.IActiveView activeView, System.String pathFileName)
//parameter check
if (activeView == null || !(pathFileName.EndsWith(".jpg")))
return false;
ESRI.ArcGIS.Output.IExport export = new ESRI.ArcGIS.Output.ExportJPEGClass();
export.ExportFileName = pathFileName;
// Because we are exporting to a resolution that differs from screen
// resolution, we should assign the two values to variables for use
// in our sizing calculations
System.Int32 screenResolution = 96;
System.Int32 outputResolution = 300;
export.Resolution = outputResolution;
ESRI.ArcGIS.Display.tagRECT exportRECT; // This is a structure
exportRECT.left = 0;
exportRECT.top = 0;
exportRECT.right = activeView.ExportFrame.right * (outputResolution / screenResolution);
exportRECT.bottom = activeView.ExportFrame.bottom * (outputResolution / screenResolution);
// Set up the PixelBounds envelope to match the exportRECT
ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.IEnvelope envelope = new ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.EnvelopeClass();
envelope.PutCoords(exportRECT.left, exportRECT.top, exportRECT.right, exportRECT.bottom);
export.PixelBounds = envelope;
System.Int32 hDC = export.StartExporting();
activeView.Output(hDC, (System.Int16)export.Resolution, ref exportRECT, null, null); // Explicit Cast and 'ref' keyword needed
return true;
///<summary>Creates a .jpg (JPEG) file from IActiveView. Default values of 96 DPI are used for the image creation.</summary>
///<param name="activeView">An IActiveView interface</param>
///<param name="pathFileName">A System.String that the path and filename of the JPEG you want to create. Example: "C:\temp\test.jpg"</param>
///<returns>A System.Boolean indicating the success</returns>
public System.Boolean CreateJPEGFromActiveView(ESRI.ArcGIS.Carto.IActiveView activeView, System.String pathFileName)
//parameter check
if (activeView == null || !(pathFileName.EndsWith(".jpg")))
return false;
ESRI.ArcGIS.Output.IExport export = new ESRI.ArcGIS.Output.ExportJPEGClass();
export.ExportFileName = pathFileName;
// Microsoft Windows default DPI resolution
export.Resolution = 96;
ESRI.ArcGIS.Display.tagRECT exportRECT = activeView.ExportFrame;
ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.IEnvelope envelope = new ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.EnvelopeClass();
envelope.PutCoords(exportRECT.left, exportRECT.top, exportRECT.right, exportRECT.bottom);
export.PixelBounds = envelope;
System.Int32 hDC = export.StartExporting();
activeView.Output(hDC, (System.Int16)export.Resolution, ref exportRECT, null, null);
// Finish writing the export file and cleanup any intermediate files
return true;
또 하나의 예는 Map Document 에서 출력물을 생성하는 것입니다:
Export Activeview as JPEG
I've been trying to export the active view of a map to a jpeg, and have only managed to output blank JPEGs. I'm struggling to see the problem with my code and am posting it here, in the hopes that someone else can see what my problem is. Thank you in a
static void ExportJPEG(IMxDocument mxDoc)
Int64 lScrRes = (Int64)mxDoc.ActiveView.ScreenDisplay.DisplayTransformation.Resolution;
IExport pExporter = new ExportJPEGClass();
// IExporter pExporter = new JpegExporterClass() ;
pExporter.ExportFileName = @"C:\Workspace\Maps\CodeOut\test3.jpeg";
pExporter.Resolution = (Int32)lScrRes;
tagRECT deviceRect = mxDoc.ActiveView.ExportFrame; // ScreenDisplay.DisplayTransformation.get_DeviceFrame();
// tagRECT deviceRect = mxDoc.ActiveView.ScreenDisplay.DisplayTransformation.get_DeviceFrame();
IEnvelope pDriverBounds = new EnvelopeClass();
pDriverBounds.PutCoords(deviceRect.left, deviceRect.top, deviceRect.right, deviceRect.bottom);
pExporter.PixelBounds = pDriverBounds;
// ITrackCancel pCancel = new CancelTrackerClass();
// mxDoc.ActiveView.Output(pExporter.StartExporting(), (Int32)lScrRes, ref deviceRect, mxDoc.ActiveView.Extent, pCancel);
mxDoc.ActiveView.Output(Convert.ToInt32(pExporter.StartExporting()), Convert.ToInt32 (lScrRes), ref deviceRect, null, null);
위의 코드는 JPEG 파일로 내보내기 하는 것만의 코드이나, 이 IExport 인터페이스에는 여러 종류에 대한 형식을 내보내기 할 수 있습니다.
다음과 같이 IExport 타입을 정해 볼 수도 있을 것입니다:
예: string exportFormat = "PDF";
switch (exportFormat)
case "PDF":
IExportPDF pdfExport = new ExportPDFClass();
pdfExport.ImageCompression = esriExportImageCompression.esriExportImageCompressionDeflate;
pdfExport.EmbedFonts = true;
pdfExport.Compressed = true;
//IExportPDF2 pdfExport2 = (IExportPDF2)pdfExport;
//pdfExport2.ExportPDFLayersAndFeatureAttributes = esriExportPDFLayerOptions.esriExportPDFLayerOptionsLayersOnly;
export = (IExport)pdfExport;
case "GIF":
IExportGIF gifExport = new ExportGIFClass();
export = (IExport)gifExport;
case "JPG":
IExportJPEG jpgExport = new ExportJPEGClass();
export = (IExport)jpgExport;
case "PNG":
IExportPNG pngExport = new ExportPNGClass();
export = (IExport)pngExport;
private static void ExportMap(IMapDocument map,MapExportFormat exportFormat, string outputFile)
int OUTPUT_RES = 600;
IExport export = null;
switch (exportFormat)
case MapExportFormat.PDF:
IExportPDF pdfExport = new ExportPDFClass();
pdfExport.ImageCompression = esriExportImageCompression.esriExportImageCompressionDeflate;
pdfExport.EmbedFonts = true;
pdfExport.Compressed = true;
//IExportPDF2 pdfExport2 = (IExportPDF2)pdfExport;
//pdfExport2.ExportPDFLayersAndFeatureAttributes = esriExportPDFLayerOptions.esriExportPDFLayerOptionsLayersOnly;
export = (IExport)pdfExport;
case MapExportFormat.GIF:
IExportGIF gifExport = new ExportGIFClass();
export = (IExport)gifExport;
case MapExportFormat.JPG:
IExportJPEG jpgExport = new ExportJPEGClass();
export = (IExport)jpgExport;
case MapExportFormat.PNG:
IExportPNG pngExport = new ExportPNGClass();
export = (IExport)pngExport;
export.Resolution = OUTPUT_RES;
export.ExportFileName = outputFile;
tagRECT exportFrame = map.ActiveView.ExportFrame;
IEnvelope exportEnvelope = new EnvelopeClass();
exportEnvelope.PutCoords(exportFrame.left, exportFrame.top, exportFrame.right, exportFrame.bottom);
export.PixelBounds = exportEnvelope;
int hdc = export.StartExporting();
map.ActiveView.Output(hdc, OUTPUT_RES,exportFrame,null,null);